The Cogworks Journey: Building Orama Studio with Umbraco



May 21, 2024

At Cogworks, we believe in creating digital solutions that are not only innovative but also accessible and affordable. This philosophy led us to build Orama Studio, a robust web solution designed to meet the diverse needs of modern enterprises. Leveraging the power of Umbraco, an open-source content management system (CMS), we’ve crafted a platform that brings efficiency and quality to the forefront.

Why We Chose Umbraco

Umbraco stands out in the crowded CMS market due to its flexibility, scalability, and user-friendly interface. As an open-source tool, it offers the freedom to customise and extend functionalities without being tied to restrictive licenses or high costs. This aligns perfectly with our vision of creating high-quality digital products that don’t break the bank.

The Birth of Orama Studio

Our journey with Umbraco began over a decade ago. We recognised the potential it held for building bespoke solutions tailored to individual business needs. Orama Studio was born out of this experience. It combines the best of Umbraco with additional features and enhancements developed by our expert team, resulting in a powerful platform that supports rapid deployment without compromising on quality.

Benefits of Orama Studio

  1. Cost-Effective: By utilising open-source tools like Umbraco, we reduce licensing costs, passing the savings onto our clients.

  2. Speed to Market: Orama Studio’s pre-built components and modular architecture allow for quicker project turnarounds.

  3. Quality Assurance: Our extensive experience with Umbraco ensures that every Orama Studio project meets high standards of performance and reliability.

In conclusion, Orama Studio reflects Cogworks’ commitment to leveraging open-source technology to build affordable, quick-to-market solutions that maintain the highest quality standards. Join us in embracing the future of digital transformation with Umbraco and Orama Studio.

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